Custom Cakes - This information is intended for customized cakes that are based off a specific design or flavor combination not available in our Signature Cakes gallery. Please see our Signature Cakes menu and gallery for readily available items.
Call, Email or Text 734 686 0110: Your name, pick up or delivery date and number of servings needed. If you have a photo for inspiration, provide it at the same time. Make sure you understand our photo policy. Ask for more information, if necessary. We will respond as soon as possible, usually the same or next business day. Saturday mornings are very busy at the cafe - if you need to call us, please call at 9 a.m. or after 11 a.m. If the cafe is extremely busy, we may need to get your contact information and give you a call back.
Review and approve your quote. Please note that Custom Cakes start at $6.15 per person. We recommend shopping from our Signature Cakes for straightforward cake needs. Custom Cakes are defined as specific flavor combinations and/or customized designs. Signature Cakes only require a 24 hour notice - and yes, we can write on them. We just ask that you don’t make substitutions to any Signature Cakes.
Be ready to finalize the order by placing a deposit or making full payment.
We will need your flavor choices at this time. See below.
Ask for a receipt. Your receipt is proof of your order and will be used to retrieve your order at pick up.
When it’s time to pick up, please provide your full name and receipt so we can locate your order quickly for you.
Please have a flat, cleared out space ready to put the order into your car. We’re happy to help you load the car, but please have the space ready. We don’t recommend placing orders on a car seat. They need to be flat so they will not slide. Most cake boxes are at least 10”x10”x6” if not larger. We don’t recommend placing orders directly in front of a heat vent or in direct sunlight.
Tiered/stacked cakes - These are very tall cakes and require extra space in the vehicle. You must be prepared to drive extra carefully, no sudden stops or sharp turns. Doing so could cause damage to the cakes, so please be careful or pay for delivery.
Custom Cake Flavors for Your 3 Layer Cake - Choose 1 or 2
White Bakery (Vanilla-Almond) Carrot
Yellow (Vanilla) Vanilla Confetti
Signature Chocolate Almond Cherry Chip
Coconut Banana
Red Velvet
Custom Filling Flavors - Choose 1 or 2
Fruit Preserves (seasonally available): Lemon, Strawberry, Raspberry or Apricot
Vanilla or Cinnamon Cream Cheese
Cookies N Cream
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Filling
Coconut Cream
Vanilla Custard
Bavarian Cream
Espresso Buttercream
Cannoli Cream
Chocolate Fudge
Round, Square, Heart, Hexagon & More
Our gourmet cupcakes are made with real buttercream, organic/fair-trade Guittard Chocolate and locally sourced Guernsey Dairy.
Custom Buttercream Designed Cupcakes Available
Found a design on Pinterest or Insta?
Text it to 734 686 0110 with your Name, Pick Up Date and Number of Servings Needed. We’ll respond asap with a quote. (Your order is not placed until a deposit is pre-paid.)
Say anything with custom fondant tiles.
Starting at $5 per dozen; available on any of our cupcake flavors.
From unicorns to sports teams and anything in between, we’ll turn it into a cupcake cake!
We’re fun at parties!
Custom Cupcake Cakes Available